The "Just go!" Manifesto
/There’s the blogger girl, the travel hack genius and the wandering nomad whose life you really want, the couple who sells everything and hits the road, the fearless adventurer, and the people who know exactly what to order at that amazing restaurant in Marrakesh.
I love these people. They inspire me. But I'm not them.
I’m the “just go” guy.
So, should I go to Barcelona or Beijing?
I’m not that guy either.
I’m the “just go” guy.
Well, then what good are you?
I think a lot of good. Because since studying abroad and throughout a 15-year career in international education and expedition development, I’ve learned that every trip is life changing. It's not always what you seek, but you gain something from every new adventure, near or far. And 99% of all trips end before they even start.
Let me reiterate: 99% of life-changing trips end before they even start.
So, while I’ll gladly recommend other people who can help you finance your trip, save money while you’re there, or tell you where to go and where to avoid, I will focus on getting you out the door.
When I graduated college, a brutal case of mono laid me out for weeks. I became so gripped by a post-grad depression that I couldn’t see myself doing anything. Then a door opened—a call from a friend and the opportunity to work aboard a small cruise ship. I wavered for a while, but eventually disregarded my disdain for The Love Boat and sudden-onset muteness when placed in front of groups. I became obsessed with the opportunity to travel, and of seeing Bora Bora in particular.
I went for it not knowing where I’d go, who I’d travel with and, frankly, how the hell I was going to do it.
While the destinations themselves offered opportunities for adventure, the surprising value came from my passengers, groups of retirees who lived like it was the last trip they would ever take. These incredible people helped me see into the future, to mine the qualities that make for a great life, which I strive for (then fail at and strive for again) every day. They are the inspiration that helped to write my free download, 6 Ways to Find Happiness on the Horizon (Lessons from My Year at Sea with Retired America), which you receive when signing up for the monthly travel inspiration email (details below).
See, I wouldn’t achieve my goal of visiting Bora Bora by ship until 12 years after I set out. In that time, I worked to send college students on international internships and developed expeditions in Alaska, British Columbia and Central America for Lindblad Expeditions and National Geographic. I’ve been able to do and see so much more than Bora Bora (which is amazing, btw!) all because years ago something inside me said, “Just go!”
Now, if the only thing I ever did for you was to say the same, I’d be pretty easy to say, “Ummm, no,” to. And it would be annoying as hell. So, what I really want to do with this site is help produce in you a "why" so strong that going is easier than staying put.
I’ll do this by sharing:
- Stories of my experiences, the lessons gleaned from those I’ve traveled with, stories of others who who've gone on a journey and returned with valuable info
- Curated news stories of awesomeness all around
- A podcast/blog featuring interviews with successful people from all walks of life who share how a particular trip helped to shape them into the person they are today (coming soon)
- Reading suggestions, folks to follow, and quotes that deliver as much wisdom as a 300-page book (I will also recommend some 300-page books)
You can find it all on this site and by signing up for the monthly email. I hope the information it contains opens up your world and provides valuable and applicable insights for your next trip, whether it's to Bora Bora or a place a town over that you always pass by. Every day can be an adventure.
Thank you so much for visiting my site and reading this manifesto. I look forward to connecting.
“20 years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”