
Some of my favorite marketing and content projects.  


Bringing Biomimicry and Nature-Inspired Startups to the World

As marketing director for The Biomimicry Institute, I had the pleasure of working with incredible innovators and staff. While we enacted a full social media content strategy, I’m especially proud of the two videos above. I wrote and created the videos using accelerator retreat footage and stock.

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Promoting the cruise industry’s biggest event

This project put my industry expertise to work, along with copywriting, in creating blog posts, articles and interviews that would highlight the value of attending Seatrade Cruise Global. (I produced and wrote the lion’s share, though they are attributed to various Seatrade personnel.)

A Historic Voyage to Haida Gwaii, British Columbia

In the process of developing a voyage that explored the British Columbia islands of Haida Gwaii, I wrote about the program in marketing copy, sales copy and story form. 

Launching The National Geographic Quest

In addition to developing itineraries for this brand new vessel and planning launch events, I served as the link between the operations and marketing department. The links below show various styles of writing I produced to support the ship and its itineraries. 

Product and Brand Positioning Article

D-flo, the UK-based communications firm had enjoyed initial success in entering the cruise industry with their communications solution technology. However, in 2019, they were eager to make a big splash at Seatrade Cruise Global, the industry’s largest event. We worked together on two articles positioning them as the perfect solution.

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Capturing Unparalleled Quality in Custom Building

My father's construction company produces some of the most detailed and beautiful custom homes and renovations in the greater Philadelphia region. However, their website, messaging and logo didn’t reflect the quality and scope of their work. The full project included a new website, copy, photography, and the production of a beautiful brochure.



A CEO's letter to his customers and press releases.



Hired to tell Di Bruno Bros. rich history in blog form.  (Referenced in Jeffrey Robert's book Salted & Cured: Savoring the Culture, heritage and Flavor of America's Cured Meats.)