The Stars of San Bernardino
/State Rt. 74 is one hell of a winding road. After driving for all of 30 minutes in the dark on our way from Palm Desert, California to San Diego, my wife and I decided to pull over and take a breather. Ok, I wanted to take pictures of the stars, but she was fine with not being tossed from side to side for a bit.
Even though we hadn’t noticed it, we pulled over next to the sign for the San Bernardino National Forest–letting us know that this wasn’t just any starry sky. These were the stars of San Bernardino! What, you ask, are the stars of San Bernardino? I have no idea. It just sounds good.
Flashlight in hand (because anyone interested in night photography needs a trusty, variable intensity/scope flashlight), I painted the sign with a split second of light. Just enough to make it pop from the skies above.
With my wife in the car listening to the latest episode of the Serial Podcast, and a long drive ahead of us, I didn’t want to take too much time. So after four shots I was back in the car, getting up to date on the whereabouts of Sargent Bergdahl, and navigating every twist and turn of Rt. 74. But I’m glad that we stopped. I’m glad that we were there in the first place. And I’m glad that I was fortunate enough to capture these, the stars of San Bernardino.
(Also seen on Instagram by following @marcexplores)