Travel Tuesday Email 4.10.18

Hi All! 
Welcome to the Travel Tuesday Email, which goes out every other Tuesday and always offers interesting travel-related stories, a suggestion of social media personalities to follow and a quote to ponder. 
Growing up, Heather Hatch always felt like something was missing. When she was 16, she learned of her roots in the Haida Nation and the remote archipelago of Haida Gwaii, British Columbia. This beautiful video follows Heather and her grandmother as they reconnect with their ancestry and teach what it means to belong. 

Click here to view Heather's Video. 
"We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next, to find ourselves." I like to read this classic essay from travel writer Pico Iyer every year. Whether you're considering a country-spanning adventure or a quick getaway, Pico's introspection is universal.
Click here to read "Why We Travel."
"Lakes, mountains, dogs, repeat." So reads Rachel von Hahn's instagram profile. I'd also add, "dramatic, inspiring, awesome." All of her photos are fantastic and the ones with her dog are especially fun. 

Stian Klo - This Norwegian landscape photographer is like a one man tourism board for Lofoten, Norway. He captures the archipelago's natural beauty with an almost otherworldly perspective.

Follow @stianklo and @rachelvonhahn and let the wanderlust begin. 
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be crazy, by those who could not hear the music.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
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